Thursday 18 May 2017

Allu k pakore

Allu k pakore:

Allu k pakore is a very tasty and delicious food. It is very easy to make and take very short time for preparation. When ever we feel lite hunger we easily prepare this because potatoes almost present in every home every time. Potatoes is one of vegetables that eat every where in the world. Children mostly like Allu k pakore or kabaab, fries,katlas etc. Potatoes are good for health. How we prepare Allu k pakore now we discuss it.

Allu k pakore
Allu k pakore 


Allu: 2 to 3
Besan: 1 cup
Red pepper: half tsp
Dried coriander powder: half tsp
Cumin: 1 tsp
Salt: according to your taste


1: First of all wash potatoes and cut in to slice.

2: Take a bowl add besan and other above ingredients in to it and mixed well.

3: Now add water and make a viscous mixture.

4: Take a karahi add oil in to it and warm it.

5: Now potatoes slice dip in besan mixture and fry them in oil on low burner.

6: Delicious crispy Allu k pakore is ready to eat.